Gabriel's Grace Read online

Page 5

  Across the room, the stool where Gabriel had sat the other day was empty. She remembered the glances they’d shared and the subtle interaction between them. The corners of her mouth twitched, and she fought a smile.

  She turned her attention to the photographs on the walls. Years ago, Robin had started tacking up family hunting pictures. Then a few regular customers posted some. Then some more. Over the years, the pictures of Sweet Home residents had grown to a massive collection that covered the walls. Robin talked about adding a layer of glass on the tables so more pictures could be displayed underneath. Other than that, the only options left were the ceiling and a second layer.

  Sparrow couldn’t wait to hang pictures in her new house. She glanced out the front window of the diner at the loaded-down truck and trailer parked out front. Those were her things, and she was about to move into her new place. Look out, Gabriel. Here I come.

  Why couldn’t he see that she wasn’t out to get him? He saw her as the enemy. She’d have to work extra hard to win him over. She planned on taking steps immediately to smooth things over and build trust. In the end, he would come to agree with her. She had worked with difficult teens for years and had seen much success. A healthy relationship with a teen depended on the three T’s—trust, time, and toil. She’d coined that term in her research, and she believed teens craved these three things from their parents. They needed an adult in their life whom they could depend upon. There must be a good balance of practicality and love. Bribery rarely worked. From Slade’s remarks when she’d spoken with him, Gabriel tried that route a lot.

  She sighed and turned from the window. She didn’t want to think about Gabriel’s issues with Slade. She needed to put all those negative thoughts aside and focus on teaching Gabriel how to communicate with his son...and she had to try not to focus on Gabriel’s good looks. Being near him made her tongue-tied and clumsy and frustrated. His blue eyes, pure and bright, pierced her to her very core with an electric intensity. It disturbed her that she caught every detail about him. The way his left eye squinted ever so slightly, the tiny scar at the edge of his right eyebrow, and the glossy gleam that caught the light, at times, and made them look colorless—she kept getting positively and hopelessly lost in his eyes. And that wouldn’t help anyone.

  She had noticed a few helpful things. Gabriel liked being in control and avoided situations where he didn’t have the power or knowledge to take the reins. It was this trait that interfered with his parenting ability. She was sure of it.

  Sparrow had never met anyone else quite like Gabriel Hearth. She couldn’t walk away and let him destroy his life and his son’s. Her only hope was to teach them to communicate with each other and win their respect. And from there, perhaps better things would be in store for all of them.


  The entire Walker clan unloaded boxes and furniture off the trailer. Only Sparrow’s brother, Wren, was excused—and only because he was stationed in Hawaii. Her mother was beside herself with joy over having both her daughters living in Sweet Home.

  Even Garrett and Micara were pitching in, but Gabriel hadn’t offered to help. He’d kicked back on his porch most of the morning and watched everyone from a distance. Every so often, he’d change positions in his chair or stand up and lean on the railing.

  Sparrow directed where to take boxes and furniture, bagged trash, and served bottle after bottle of water in between carrying various items. The box in her hand dug into her skin. She balanced it on her knee while adjusting her grip. It toppled over and hit the ground with a crash. She dropped beside it and opened the flaps, eager to inspect the contents for damage. But a large shadow prevented her from seeing inside. Shielding her eyes, she squinted up at Gabriel’s large form.

  “Anything I can do to help?” His gravelly voice settled deep.

  His sudden appearance rattled her.

  “I think we’ve got enough help, but thanks anyway.”

  “Well, I can’t sit back and let you take advantage of my family.” He motioned toward Garrett and Micara who were busy carrying in a dresser. “Last thing I need is to take care of your sorry butt again.”

  Garrett stalled. “My knee’s fine, Gabe. Good grief. I’m not entirely helpless.”

  “Boys, it’s getting a little heavy.” Micara’s voice sounded slightly strained.

  “Plus, I have Micara to help me now.”

  “Fine.” Gabriel bent down and swept the box off the ground with ease. “Looked like you were having some trouble with this. Which room does it belong in?” He was already walking toward the house.

  She wouldn’t argue. “That one’s got a mixture. Just set it in the living room.” He walked too fast for her, so she stopped. “Thanks, Gabriel. I really appreciate your help. Ah, never mind. You’re not listening to a word I’m saying.”

  “Sparrow, quit talking to yourself and get to work.” Robin wiped at sweat as she hurried past.

  Sparrow sputtered in a failed attempt to explain what was really going on, but Robin was already in the house.

  Gabriel appeared, picked up another box from the ground, and turned. This time, she was right behind him with a floor lamp. He let the screen door slam. She came up short and then took a deep breath. He hadn’t closed the door on her on purpose. He was not a mean person. Her phone calls and nagging irritated him, but the reluctant help showed he actually had a heart and didn’t hold too much of a grudge.

  She reopened the door and maneuvered the lamp inside.

  Her family worked with military precision. They unloaded and cleaned until everything was inside and the house sparkled and smelled of disinfectant. Next came unpacking. Her family liked to see things through to the finish.

  “You ready to put books on the shelves?” Robin knelt beside a box.

  “Yep, let’s get it over with.” Sparrow joined her sister next to the shelving.

  “You’re so blessed to have all these built-ins.” Robin placed a few books then spun around quickly. “Let’s race!”

  “What? Wait. No. I’m too tired.”

  Robin grabbed another handful of books and put them on the shelves. “Better hurry.”

  “No fair. You got, like, a ten-book head start.”

  Her protests went unheard as Robin bent to grab more books. Sparrow dove into another box. It was a struggle, but worth it if she could beat Robin. Book after book flew onto the shelves. When one box emptied, they grabbed another and kept going. There were ten boxes total, and they were neck to neck in the competition. Then it came down to the last box. They dove for it at the same time, knocking their heads together.

  “Ouch!” Sparrow grabbed her head.

  Thick-headed Robin kept going.

  “You should get penalized for unnecessary roughness.”

  “You should get penalized for running your mouth too much. Look out.” Robin reached across for the last few books in the box. Sparrow slapped her hands away and snatched the books. Robin slapped at them, and they scattered to the floor. Both women scrambled to grab as many as they could in the last push. Then two sets of manicured fingers clamped down on the last book. Sparrow tugged. Robin tugged back. “I had it first.”

  “This book is mine.”

  “Only if you can pry it from my hands.”

  “That can be arranged.”

  A struggled ensued for the possession of the last book. Sparrow couldn’t believe she was a grown woman wrestling her grown sister for a book in a silly competition. But here they were, rolling around on the floor, pushing and pulling, and acting like fools.

  “Girls!” The gruff voice belonged to her father. “Is this what happens when a business degree and a masters of education come together?”

  Oh no, he was referring to them by their level of education. This was never a good sign.

  “It is when they’re related, and one of them is a cheater-cheater-pumpkin-eater.” Robin rolled her eyes, and Sparrow bit back a giggle, half expecting her sister to stick out her tongue.

��Cheater? Which one of us had a ten-book head start before announcing the challenge?”

  “I think that’s only fair because you’re taller and have longer arms.”

  “What does that have anything to do with—?”

  “That’s enough, you two. Sparrow, you keep working here in the living room. Robin, you go help your mother and what’s-his-name.”

  Robin obeyed immediately.

  Sparrow had no choice since she was already in the room she'd been told to be in. Smart move on her father’s part. How did one make a stubborn person obey? Tell them to do what they were already doing.

  Sparrow gathered up all the empty boxes. This happened at every family gathering. Competitiveness attacked, and Sparrow changed from a respected and responsible adult into a silly, petty teenager.

  As she flattened the boxes, she looked around the living room. All the furniture was in place. The only things left to do in this room would be to hang curtains and pictures and put a few decorative items around. Corbin Bleu’s little bed would fit nicely between the end of the couch and the bookshelves. He’d need a place to rest after today. Poor little guy had to stay outside in Robin’s backyard while they worked so he wouldn’t get stepped on. He had a bad habit of always being underfoot.

  Robin stuck her head back in the room. “I gotta go settle my little monkey down for a nap. Dad wants you to report to your bedroom.”

  “All right. This room is pretty much done anyway.”

  The master bedroom looked like a dumping ground.

  “Whew, it is a mess in here.” She grimaced as she glanced around the room.

  “Tell me about it,” Gabriel said as he stepped out of the closet. “You think you got enough stuff?”

  She hadn’t realized he was still here. “Gabriel, I really appreciate your help, but you don’t have to stay. I have enough family here. We’ll get it all straightened out.”

  “Nah. I got myself into this mess, and I’m not stopping now. What do you want me to do first?”

  She stood with her hands on her hips and surveyed the boxes. “This one is full of jewelry that needs to be sorted. You could start folding all those linens and putting them on the top shelf of the closet if you’d like. That’ll be a good job for you since you’re so tall.” It would keep him on the other side of the room, too. “Mom, could you come help me for a minute?”

  And it couldn’t hurt to have another person in the room with them.

  “What is it, dear?” Her mother appeared with a dust rag thrown over her shoulder, strands of hair coming loose from the bun on top of her head, and a smile in spite of it all.

  Sparrow held up a knotted ball of costume jewelry. It would take a while to get it untangled. “How did this happen? I laid it gently in the box, and it only traveled a short distance. Help me, please.”

  Her mother’s soft laughter filled the room. Then she knelt beside Sparrow, and they began working from both ends of the mess. After a few minutes, they worked the first necklace free. Then another, and another. They laid them on the bed until she could locate someplace to hang them.

  “Granny, nobody will get me a drink, and I’m so thirsty.” Sparrow’s niece stuck out her bottom lip for effect.

  Sparrow’s mother instantly stopped what she was doing and went over to her middle grandchild. “I’ll get you something to drink, sweetie.”

  They disappeared down the hall.

  Sparrow was left alone with Gabriel.

  “If you would unclasp the necklaces before you start working them apart, you could free them easier.”

  “When did you become an expert on women’s jewelry?”

  “Not jewelry. Knots. They follow the same basic principles.”

  “Well, that may be, but I still think my way works fine. The necklaces were clasped when I put them in this box.”

  “Suit yourself.” He shrugged and went back to work. But after several minutes of listening to her grumble over a lapful of tangled necklaces, his voice filled the room again. “Why don’t you just take my advice?”

  “I didn’t ask for your advice.”

  “I’ll be sure to use that line next time you call me about Slade.”

  “Don’t start.”

  “Just unclasp the necklaces and see how many you can slide out. Even if only two or three come free, it’ll loosen the knot as a whole and make it easier for you to work with.”

  She parted her lips to speak but decided against it. Lord, help me display Christian character when dealing with this frustrating man.

  “Here, just let me do it. I’ve finished folding all the bedding anyway.”

  “No, I’ve got it. I’m sure you can find something else to do in another part of the house. Or your own house.”

  “Is everything OK in here?” Her mother stood in the doorway. The pleasant smile held a hint of mischief.

  “Yes, Mother. Everything is fine.”

  “First, you and Robin got into it. Now you and this nice man—”


  “Thank you. Now you and Gabriel aren’t playing nice. Come here. Come here.” She motioned for Gabriel to come closer. He obeyed. “I would love it if you two could work together to get this project finished.” Her brown eyes twinkled, and she smiled.

  Sparrow understood the perpetual preschool teacher and how she operated, but Gabriel was unprepared and fell into her trap.

  “Yes, ma’am. We’ll find a way to work together.”

  Mom landed two light pats on his shoulder. “That’s better.”

  Alone with him again, Sparrow now had to face the task of working side-by-side under her mother’s orders to “play nice.”

  “How about you work that end, and I work this end?”


  Of course, Gabriel started undoing the clasps on several necklaces. He delicately took the end of one between two fingers and pulled. Her eyes widened as the necklace slipped easily from the pile. She pretended not to notice the I-told-you-so look he gave her. Or any of the looks that followed as he continued to slip necklace after necklace from the jumbled pile.

  “Whoa, what is this?” His fingers followed a very long, beaded chain. Like a magician pulling a never-ending rope of colored scarves, he continued until his fingertips bumped hers.

  Her fingers tingled from coming into contact with him. Instinctively, she pulled back.

  “It’s a long necklace that wraps around several times. I haven’t worn it in years though.” She looked at the pile of knotted necklaces and the dozens of freed ones draped over a hangar. “I don’t wear half this stuff. I should probably go through it all.”

  “That would be a good idea.”

  Gabriel continued to work faster, and she lost count on how many times he accidentally brushed his fingertips against hers. It was such a tedious and feminine job. She didn’t understand why he would do this, especially considering how much he disliked her, but she had to admit she was glad for his company.

  “Well, that’s it. Thanks for your help.”

  His mouth turned up in a grin, but this time it was genuine. He seemed almost happy. “My pleasure.”

  They picked up all the empty boxes and some trash in the room and took it out to her dad’s pickup truck. Another mundane task, but the connection between them was intense. Now if they could just work together to help Slade.

  Baby steps.

  Something in Gabriel’s gaze held Sparrow captive. Since she didn’t have time to be anyone’s captive, she avoided looking into his eyes for the rest of the workday. She tried reciting affirmations, but her mixed emotions kept getting the best of her. Even though she wasn’t looking at him, she couldn’t turn off what she felt. Her mission was now muddled with emotion. This was just the thing Garrett warned her about in the teacher’s lounge. It was all happening so fast.

  She tossed a few more empty boxes into the back of the truck and then went to the kitchen to make another pitcher of tea. Robin and her mother had the kitchen all set up. Sh
e’d probably need help finding things for a few weeks, but she wouldn’t starve. This room already felt like home.

  “Your brother would’ve loved all this hard labor.” Her mother sat several glasses down on the counter.

  Sparrow continued stirring the pitcher of tea. “Yes, he would have. Do you want some tea?”

  “Everyone does. I’ll start filling glasses with ice while you pour.”


  The sound of ice cubes clinking drew her family to the kitchen from various rooms of the house. The mention of her brother who was so far away saddened her, and Sparrow remained quiet as her family and friends trickled into the tiny kitchen. They chattered about mundane things—local news, school events, and the next club meetings.

  Gabriel sipped tea in a corner. Most of his attention settled on her.

  The level of mutual awareness between her and Gabriel reached frustrating levels. She’d never had this reaction with any other man in her life. All the heavy lifting and cool weather must be playing tricks on her. Those things had a way of making people do and feel things they wouldn’t normally.

  A tray of finger sandwiches, cubed cheeses, pickle slices, and olives appeared on the small, round table. Her nieces and nephews dug in first. The adults caught the second wave. Even Gabriel picked up a piece of cheese and some olives.

  “Where did all this food come from?” Sparrow asked.

  “Robin brought the groceries, and we put it together while you two were bickering in the back room.” Her mom smiled. “We can’t have hungry workers, now can we?”

  “This is very thoughtful. Mom, I’m sorry Gabriel and I were behaving like little children who missed their naps. And me and Robin in the living room…Dad, sorry about that. I guess the stress of trying to get me moved and completely set up in one day got to us.”

  Her mother slipped her warm arm around Sparrow’s shoulders and squeezed. “It’s all right, Sparrow. Your father and I are just glad to have you settled in Sweet Home. And speaking of settled, maybe now that you’re here you can find a husband. I’d like to see you married and entered into the grandbaby competition with Robin. She’s winning, ya know?”